Avraham Aron Newman
In Honor of Shragi Pollak
Heshy and Miri Drebin
Meir Levine
In Honor of My best friend Shrag just had to add another $100 keep it up!
Edward & Raizy Lebovics
Shaya Beer
Shaya Prager
Shaul Mizrachi
Ralph Herzka
In Memory of Chaya bas Dovid Aryeh
Yaakov Jager
Abraham Hirsch
In Honor of Nechama
In Honor of my dear nechama may you build a bayis neeman byisroel with loads of mazel and brocha together with shargi (a big i)
David Pollak
In Honor of Our dearest son and future daughter in law Shragi and Nechama. May you be Zoche to build a Bayis Neeman Lesheim Ulitiferes, and continue to give us Nachas Ad Meah Viesrim! Totty and Mommy
Max Pollak
Shloimy Rosenberg
Moshe Brisk
HARAV Meir Levine
In Honor of Hachassan TZRAGS!!! Awesome idea, don't know why I didn't think of it myself. Cant wait to dance by your wedding iyh!! #SHZAMM!!
A. Y. Berliner
Meir Wainbrand
Yaakov Shmuckler
Yonasan Charnes
Shlomo Schwinder
Yiddy Ungar
Chaim Schmuckler
Rabbi & Mrs. Landau
Mordechai Obermeister
Gershon Baskin
chaya leah fuchs
Yy and M Wolf
Stanley Fogel
Azariah & Toby Reisman
Yoel Weinberger
Alexander Goldring
In Honor of Shragi the chosson
Leah Fogel
Leah Wolf
Miriam Isbee
In Honor of The BEST Kallah Nechama!!!!
temima malek
Leibe wolf
In Honor of my dear Nechama and future son in law! May we see much Nachas from both of u!!
Emanuel Wolf
Malky Tress
In Honor of NECHH THE KALLAH!!!!!!!
Yaakov Koplowitz
In Honor of The great chosson Shragi!!!
suri Handler
In Honor of Nechama Wolf the Wonderful KALLAH!!!
Yehudis Ralbag Ralbag
In Honor of Nechama wolf the Kallah!!!!
In Honor of Shragi the best friend and person anyone could have ever asked for!!
Miri Lan
Dovid Wolf
Nechama Wolf
In Honor of In honor of my Chosson Shragi!!! May we be Zoche to build a Bayis Neeman B'yisroel together!!!
Hinda Pollak
In Honor of Shragi! May you and Nechama only have loads of Bracha!! #bestbro!
Hadassa Pollak
In Honor of Shragi the chossen
chananya pearl
In Honor of R shragi thank you for the zechus!! Your a real role model!