Shimon Avraham Yosef Hatzadic Chofetz Chaim Moses
In Honor of Avraham Avinu, Eliezer Eved Avraham Avinu, Moshe Rabbinu, Yosef Hatzdic, Shimon Bar Yohi,
In Honor of May your love bring joy to the Jewish and the world.
Perel Kruger
Chavie Tauber
In Honor of Leah-Can't wait for the big day!!!
Joseph Deutsch
In Honor of Leah Deutsch
Blimie Gips
In Honor of Leah Deutsch
In Memory of Chaya bas r Mordche Shmiel
Davey Seidenfeld
Gittie Atlas
In Honor of Leah - the newest sister to join our family!
Chanie Kruger
Esty Haltovsky
In Honor of Leah Deutsch
Goldie Kruger
In Honor of You get back what you give! We can hardly wait for the Big Day!